Assessment Process

The assessment process follows the New Zealand Autism Guideline as much as possible, involving several interviews, along with collection of other information.

1). Initial contact by phone or email, and complete application form.

2). Complete and return online screening questionnaires prior to first appointment.

3). First appointment – discuss the questionnaires, current difficulties, basic medical history, along with practical things such as privacy, sources of information, cost/payment and possible outcomes of assessment.

4) Payment. To ensure assessment place, 50% payment must be made prior to next appointment, unless otherwise discussed to confirm booking. Full payment must be prior to feedback appointment.

5) Subsequent (2-3) appointments booked. These explore your experiences of the world from childhood to present day.

Review of information. This can be in the form of childhood report cards, photos, Plunket/Well child books. We also prefer to speak with someone close to you who knew you as a child, so a parent or sibling if possible.

6) Feedback – in person feedback to discuss the findings

7) Diagnostic report provided. This can take a little time to prepare, around 2-3 weeks, and is emailed out. A hard copy can be arranged for collection.